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Company information:

Financial information James Fisher and Sons plc
Primary country listing UK
Status Fully listed
FTSE sector Industrial Transportation
FTSE index FTSE All-share, FTSE 350 Low Yield, FTSE 250, FTSE All-Share (ex IT), FTSE 350 (ex IT), FTSE MID 250 (ex IT), FTSE 350
Ordinary shares in issue 50,395,519


Company performance:

Overview 31/12/2021 31/12/2020
Revenue (£m) 494.1 518.2
Underlying profit before tax (£m) 19.7 31.5
Underlying diluted earnings per share (pence) 20.0 47.9
Total dividend share (pence) - 8.0
Statutory profit before tax (£m) (29.0) (52.5)
Statutory diluted earnings per share (pence) (55.2) (114.2)


The company did not pay an interim dividend for 2021, and the board is not recommending the payment of a final dividend for the year. The board is committed to reinstating the dividend when appropriate.

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ScottishPower Renewables (SPR) contracted JFMS to deliver an integrated marine services package during the construction of its East Anglia ONE (EA1) windfarm.
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