View information about the major shareholders of James Fisher and Sons plc

Total issued share capital: 50,395,519 ordinary shares and 100,000 preference shares.

The company has been notified in accordance with Rule 5 of the Financial Contuct Authority's disclosure guidance and transparency rules (DTR), of the following holdings of voting rights attached to the issued ordinary share capital of the company:

  Amount %1
Trustees of the Sir John Fisher Foundation* 11,592,360 
Schroders plc 4,970,246 9.887
Standard Life Aberdeen plc Investments 3,589,932 7.13
Invesco Ltd 2,534,325 5.028
NFU Mutual Insurance Society Limited 1,976,768 3.92

*Mrs Diane Sara Meacock, Mr David Hart Jackson, Mr Michael John Shields and Mr Daniel Purser Tindall

1 The percentage of voting rights detailed above was calculated at the time of the relevant disclosures made in accordance with Rule 5 of the DTRs.

Directors' shareholdings (*Executive director):

Director's name Amount % Holding
Angus George Cockburn 5,000 0.01
Duncan Kennedy* 5,000 0.01
Justin Atkinson 3,150 0.006


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ScottishPower Renewables (SPR) contracted JFMS to deliver an integrated marine services package during the construction of its East Anglia ONE (EA1) windfarm.
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